Food & Salt

What is my favorite food?  I don’t have just one so my top three culinary enjoyments are Mexican, Sushi and Chinese.  In all transparency, I do not eat the way I used to.  I have been watching my sodium intake diligently since 2006, but recently I was diagnosed with high blood pressure.  I do not drink alcohol, smoke and rarely eat out, so this startling revelation was disturbing.  

After doing extensive research on the subject, I discovered that according to a 2014 article in the New England Journal of Medicine, salt intake is at an all-time high, with Americans consuming around 3,300 milligrams of sodium a day, over double what is the recommended daily allotment.  For the last three months I have read so many nutritional labels on products at the grocery store and the rarely produced nutritional menus at restaurants (if they even have them – many don’t!) and am shocked what I have discovered.  Salt is being dumped into food by the gallons.  It is a ticking time bomb. 

I encourage you to pay attention to your daily sodium intake and do some research on your own.  For now, enjoy the above photo of my delicious meal at Loving Hut (before I knew that sodium was killing me slowly). 

Photo Notes: Loving Hut | Glendale, AZ | December 2017 | iPhone X

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